Effective May 2017, all inbound faxes will no longer be printed out and sit on your department's/branch's multi-function device (the copier/printer/scanner) or other fax machine. Effective 2024, all incoming faxes will be sent as an email with an attachment from AT&T Office@Hand to your area's fax folder (a Shared Mailbox OR Public Folder in Outlook).
The steps below outline how to access your group's e-fax folder.
If your branch/department is set up with a Shared Mailbox, it will appear directly in your folder list in the left-hand column of Outlook (scroll down below your personal work email folders to find it). If it is still set up as a Public Folder, follow the steps below.
1. Accessing your Public Folders list
There is a Public Folder in Outlook (title includes your department or branch name) that will have all of your inbound faxes. You still have the same fax number, which goes through AT&T. Any documents that are faxed to that number will appear as an email in this folder.
To view your Public Folders list, in the bottom-left corner of Outlook, you will see icons for “Mail, Calendar, Contacts, Tasks…” Next to those icons, click the three dots icon to see more options, then click Folders.
Alternatively, simply press Ctrl and 6 on your keyboard.
Old version:
Current version: 
2. Finding your Fax Folder
In the left-hand column where your email folders are, you should now see “Public Folders – [your email address]” near the bottom of the list (you may need to scroll down). Expand it by clicking the triangle to the left of “Public Folders” and expand All Public Folders.

3. Opening your Fax Folder
In the list, you should see your department/branch listed as an option. This is the folder where your inbound faxes will be stored.
*NOTE: All users in your area will have read/write access to view and delete fax messages in this folder. Although you may see other departments/branches listed in the Public Folders list, you cannot see faxes sent to other areas and employees in other departments will not be able to see yours.
4. Adding the Fax Folder as a "Favorite"
For easy access to this fax folder and to best monitor when your group has received a new fax, you can add this folder to your Favorites list.
Right-click on the folder, click Add to Favorites..., then click Add. The folder is now in your Public Folder Favorites list.
In your Public Folders --> Favorites list, right-click on the folder, and click "Show in Favorites."
Now, when you click "Mail" in the list in the bottom-left corner of Outlook (above Calendar, Contacts, Tasks...), you will see the fax folder in your personal Favorites list at the top-left of the window.
If you have any questions or need assistance locating a fax that was sent to you, please contact IT.